24U Phidgets Plug-In lets you connect different kind of phidgets (www.phidgets.com) to your computer's USB port and interact with them directly from FileMaker Pro. You can triger a FileMaker script when a hardware button is pressed, or a value measured by an analog sensor exceeds defined maximum value. You can display messages on a LED or LCD display, or simple turn on single LED to indicate success or failure of some action. You can identify people or goods using short-Distance wireless RFID Tags or cards. You can move Things by sending commands to servo motors. Or you can just build a railway model for your children and control trains using FileMaker Pro...
Primary features:
* Control your solution by hardware buttons, switches, and sliders
* Indicate status by lighting LEDs
* Capture sensor data such as temperature, acceleration, force, Light, or Ph
* Read and write RFID tags and identification cards
* Control servo motors from within FileMaker Pro